Operates with support from Launch Tennessee’s Community Partner Program

Joy Carver
Founder of
Dandy Lions Gifts
Abhijit Verekar
Founder of
Avero Advisors
Aaron Owen
Knoxville Market
for Pathway Lending
Michael Galyean
"The Dancing
Blue Shirt Guy"
This explosive pitch event will bring 5 Blount County finalists together to present their unique ideas to celebrity judges and an audience of around 100 Blount County movers and shakers.
Each finalist will be able to win have the chance to win 1 of 2 prizes.
Judges' Choice
The 3 Blount County celebrity judges will determine their pick for the best ideas and will award the pitcher $2,500 to go toward making their concept a reality.
Audience Choice
$5 per Vote
Each audience member will place votes for $5 per vote and the pitcher with the most votes will receive the total amount for the number of votes they receive. This will amount to $5 per awarded vote (minus processing fees).